Thursday, April 22, 2010 | 11:54 PM | 0 comments

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same =)

Xiaolaosu’s footprints

Sunday, April 18, 2010 | 2:06 PM | 1 comments

always try to leave time for yourself.. =)

By Blogger yiyi, at 11:54 AM  

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Nowadays time flies so quickly
tt i hope i can have 48 hrs a day
no time to reflect
no quality time for moiself
no time to rest
just.... drifting along

I am 26 already

"surprised" bday in office

with the lovely STB folks

and the 2i buddies

Finalli visited USS

and the galatica roller coaster has to be down!
not tt i will sit anyway
hmmm i might?

Wedding after wedding

Timbre Rock & Roots

MT 1000th day

yesh! it's been tt long
3 yrs of friendship and gg strong

DESK outing

Art Therapy - Internal Reflection

Xiaolaosu’s footprints

Saturday, April 10, 2010 | 1:41 PM | 0 comments

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Conquered Mt K K

and bought a new shoe

Life can be wonderful @ times

Xiaolaosu’s footprints

Friday, April 02, 2010 | 1:04 PM | 0 comments

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Happie Easter Day!!!

Somethings seemed to be missing these few days....

i was not greeted by 老爸 KTV singing when i reached home
hp no longer rang with the other party asking me where am i
no one to play with me
moi breakfast was no longer prepared on the table
tried to wash clothes but kitchen ended up flooding
even Saisai was away for a short stay

Before i can meet them, i'm off to Mt K K
hope i can make it to summit
Xiaolaosu’s footprints


~*Mousey Adores*~

Mount Kota Kinabalu
Low Peak Circuit
Highest Via Ferrata in the World



~*Nail Art*~

